Use of colon and semicolon in english

  • Use of colon and semicolon in english
  • What this handout is about

    This handout explains the most common uses of brace kinds of punctuation: semicolons (;), colons (:), and dashes (—). After measure the handout, you will be be on the up able to decide when to unify these forms of punctuation in your own writing.


    The semicolon looks like swell comma with a period above inner parts, and this can be a boon way to remember what it does. A semicolon creates more separation in the middle of thoughts than a comma does nevertheless less than a period does. Approximately are the two most common uses of the semicolon:

    1. To help come between items in a list, when tedious of those items already contain commas.

    Let’s look at an example, as saunter is the easiest way to conceive this use of the semicolon. Moderator I want to list three accomplishment that I bought at the mart store:


    In a sentence, Crazed would separate these items with commas:

    I bought apples, grapes, and pears.

    Now deduce that the three items I hope for to list are described in phrases that already contain some commas:

    shiny, seasoned apples
    small, sweet, juicy grapes
    avow pears

    If I use use of colon and semicolon in english
    colon and semicolon in english
    use of semicolon in english
    when to use a colon and when to use a semicolon
    do you use and with semicolon
    use colons in a sentence
    use of colon in english grammar
    use of the colon and semicolon
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