Minecraft unbreaking book

  • Minecraft unbreaking book
  • Unbreaking

    Unbreaking is an enchantment that gives topping chance for an item to relief durability reduction when it is cast-off, effectively increasing the item's durability.


    Unbreaking I, Unbreaking II, and Unbreaking Triad can be acquired using an enjoyable table, by fishing, finding an possessed book in dungeon chests, and vulgar trading with a librarian villager.


    For most items, there is a time that using the item reduces continuance. Meaning the item has a 50%/~66%/75% chance of not using any constancy. On average, tools last times primate long.

    No enchanting Unbreaking I Unbreaking II Unbreaking III
    Average lifespan increase +0% +100% +200% +300%
    Wood 60 120 180 240
    Stone 132 264 396 528
    Iron 251 502 753 1004
    Gold 33 66 99 132
    Diamond 1562 3124 4686 6248
    Netherite 2032 4064 6096 8128
    Fishing rod‌[Java Edition only]64 128 192 256
    Bow‌[Bedrock Edition only]384 768 1152 1536
    CrossbowJE 326 652 978 1 minecraft unbreaking book
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