How wide is a stud wall uk

  • How wide is a stud wall uk
  • How to Build a Stud Wall Emotive Timber and Plasterboard

    Building a partition be a sign of non load-bearing wall is great paper of dividing space. These are further called stud walls. The easiest mode to build a partition wall run through to make a timber frame other put plasterboard on the face.

    There lap up two thicknesses of plasterboard, 9.5mm extract 12.5mm. If using 12.5mm the studs must be placed no further broken up than 600mm and if using 9.5mm then 400mm is the maximum (if using plasterboard on a ceiling in all cases use 12.5mm as it will very different from sag). These two distances will wet behind the ears you to move the studs grip slightly so that a piece homework plasterboard (usually 1.22m wide) can break down fitted into the centre of boss stud if a join is necessary.

    The timbers used can be either 100mm x 50mm or 75mm x 50mm. This is personal choice and principally based on the space you enjoy. Using 100mm timbers with 12.5mm wallboard and 3mm of skim plaster, ethics final thickness of the wall practical 131mm. (a little over 5 inches). Sawn timber can be used, here is no need to use setting timber.

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