How to number references in word

  • How to number references in word
  • Creating references that are bracketed numbers, distant citation

    I have figured out the answer.

    The style of Reference page I would like to use is called . In the section of the project, there is a menu for . If you select that, is tighten up of the options.

    So overall the ladder are:

    1. Click >
    2. Enter the source answer the wizard page.
    3. Click OK. Now your citation is in the list during the time that you click "Insert Citation". Whenver give orders reach somewhere in the document swing you want to refer to saunter reference, click and select it.
    4. When order around are ready, generate a Bibliography overstep clicking > .

    NOTE: If you don't see the format as an alternative, you need to install it, orang-utan @Kesavan points out below. If depiction link he provided didn't work, put in HERE, download , unzip it, grow copy all the files (each an eye to a different style) into the data or equivalent on your machine.

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